Monday, February 26, 2007

UC Berkeley Engineering Library

University of California, Berkeley
Kresge Engineering Library
Instruction & Electronic Services Librarian

The University of California at Berkeley is seeking applicants for an Instruction & Electronic Services Librarian for its Kresge Engineering Library. We need an energetic, creative and collaborative person to develop services and collections for our highly-ranked College of Engineering faculty and students. The position offers competitive compensation and excellent benefits, as well as abundant opportunities for professional growth.

In addition to fine weather, life in the San Francisco Bay area offers a stimulating richness of cultural activities and access to beautiful seashore, parks and mountains.

The core responsibilities are listed below. For the full position description and information on how to apply, please visit

Consideration will be given to applications received by April 4, 2007.

Core Responsibilities:

- manage electronic journals, databases, website development and electronic reference services

- adapt and implement technologically innovative services

- develop and deliver classroom and online library instruction

- select materials and serve as faculty liaison for an engineering department

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