Monday, January 7, 2008

California State Library - Braille and Talking Book Library

Job Description available here:

Before appling for the position the applicant has to pass the California State Library examination for Librarian and be put on a list of eligible candidates. It has not always been possible to take the exam, but it was recently re-opened with a continuous filing date.

For exam details, see the entry at:

AND for the supplemental pages:

Both the exam and the specific job application require a state form Standard Form 678, which can be filled out and maintained (but not submitted) online. The location for the form is:

Even if someone is not interested in the BTBL position, they might be glad to know of the open examination process for entry level Librarians at the California State Library. Other state agencies are not required to use our examination, but some do ask for the list when they have library positions to be filled.


Job Description:

Coordination, reference and collection development services, programming, and outreach support for the Braille and Talking Book Library (BTBL).


Assists in KLAS (Keystone Library Automation System) system administration.
Assists staff in trouble-shooting KLAS performance issues.
Recommends service improvements to the BTBL manager.
Tracks and assists in resolving hardware and software problems
Acts as the liaison with KLAS, CSL Information Technology Bureau and other vendors, as needed.
Plans and implements KLAS training for BTBL staff.
Provides equipment specifications according to guidelines.
Provides telephone, virtual, and in-person reference services
Assists with selection, ordering, cataloging and classification of library materials.
Assists in the development and implementation of special programs.
Assists with outreach to public and school libraries, consumer groups, retirement homes, ophthalmologists, and other relevant service providers.
Assists in volunteer recruitment and scheduling.
Coordinates integration of assistive technology for staff and clients.
Librarian Braille & Talking Book Library Permanent/Full Time PC# 1120

Final File Date: Open Until Filled


Knowledge and Experience:
Communicate complex information clearly and tactfully, orally and in writing
Comprehend and follow written and oral instructions
Demonstrate a positive and cordial customer service approach when working with staff and customers
Utilize technology in the course of work processes, including entering and retrieving data from the integrated library system and other computer equipment
Work both independently and in a team environment
Adapt to sometimes rapidly changing priorities
Ability to evaluate situations accurately and take effective action.
Ability to work cooperatively with representatives of the National Library Service (NLSPBH), colleagues, BTBL customers, and general public
Experience with integrated library circulation/catalog/reader’s advisory automation systems.
Knowledge of library standards, practices, policies, and procedures.
Ability to maintain effective relationships with blind, visually or physically disabled clients of all ages, volunteers, students, representatives of other agencies and organizations, the BTBL and CSL staff, especially when working under pressure.
Experience using standard library reference tools (including online systems and the Internet) in order to answer reference questions on a broad range of subjects in addition to questions on blindness, physical disabilities, and other library services available to individuals with these disabilities.
Experience using computer software and hardware including assistive technology.
Developing and implementing program measurement and evaluation methods
Setting priorities
Knowledge of and experience using digital equipment such as portable MP3 and daisy players, digital recording software, and internet downloading protocols.


Individuals who are eligible for a list appointment, transfer or reinstatement to this class should send an application to the California State Library, Human Resources Services, Room 215, P.O. Box 942837, Sacramento, CA 94237-0001. All applicants must clearly indicate the basis for their eligibility in "Examination(s) or Job Title(s) for which you are applying" on the standard application form (STD 678). Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. ALL APPOINTMENTS SUBJECT TO STATE RESTRICTIONS OF APPOINTMENTS (SROA) PROVISIONS. Applications will be screened and only the most qualified candidates will be interviewed.



Mary Jane Kayes
California State Library phone (916) 651-0473

Mike Marlin,
BTBL manager (916-651-0812)